Friday, January 30, 2009

Trying To Understand we try to understand God's will. We heard back from Katelyn's Fund today. We were denied. They didn't say why, but we do know they get hundreds of applications a month, and we are guessing there was just someone more qualified than us. We're not sure if we can reapply (some grants allow you to do that), but if we can, we will. This was $3,000 and to be completely honest with you all, we were counting on getting this for sure. We just never thought even once we would be denied a grant. It is very hard for me (Vanessa) to understand why God would do this. :( Please pray with me that God would show me understanding. Chris came home at lunch and while we were talking about it he was so upbeat. I could not understand why he would be so upbeat and honestly it made me mad. Then, he shared with me that I am not trusting God. He said, you just never know how God will provide and that He isn't going to let us down. It makes sense, I know in my mind that Chris is right. For now though, I just feel like crying and questioning God on how in the world He will provide.

Sigh...see at least I'm honest! :) This blog serves a two fold purpose for us as well. It's a way to let you all know where we are at in the process and it is also a way to vent/share our thoughts. Keep us uplifted in your prayers. Pray that God would show me (specifically) understanding and His will in all of this.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Vanessa, I'm so sorry you didn't get that grant. I don't understand it, either. ((((hugs)))) I'm praying for you! I pray that you'll have God's peace that passes all understanding.


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