Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Faith & Prayers

It's amazing how God works sometimes. Right in the middle of my mom's group (which is a Bible Study at church for mom's) this morning, I got a call from my social worker. I knew when I saw her name on the Caller ID that I needed to answer. So I tried as quietly as possible to do so knowing that something had to be up. I slipped out in the hallway and got the news that the baby (potentially our baby) had been born!

Wow! I was shocked and full of fear and nerves, but then God brought me back to what the talk was about in mom's group and I was reminded to speak life and to trust Him that He is in control. Nothing is too big for Him. Not the timing, not the finances, not the logistics. Nothing! And I WILL keep declaring that for the world to hear!

So, we need prayers. If you could specifically pray for "R" our birthmom that would be great. She has not signed yet. I am praying for God to give her a direction and a peace. Pray for peace for us as well. It's a bit crazy around here as we try to prepare to possibly leave. Pray for the travel plans to fall into place. Most of all, pray for us financially. This all came about MUCH sooner than we thought, but while we are surprised, we know God is not. He can move mountains, and we have chosen to have the faith the size of a mustard seed and believe that He can do anything! Please believe with us and support us in that.

Two little side notes:
*That really is all the info we have on the baby, no gender, weight, etc. was given. However, even though baby was born early, our social worker has stated that she believes baby is healthy.
*For those who have supported us financially, we had a few ask us if any of this money is "at risk" meaning that if the birthmom doesn't go through with this, will we lose any money. The answer is no. If for some reason she doesn't sign, the money that we have will just go towards the adoption of the child God has declared for us.


  1. As always Prayers for ya'll!!!! Can't wait for updates!

  2. Praying for all of you!!!

  3. You are so in our prayers!!! Keep your eyes on Jesus and not the circumstances. He is always faithful!


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