Wednesday, December 8, 2010

5 Months & Blog Direction

Five months ago today, I was meeting this beautiful little girl for the first time ever! I can still remember the heat, the sights, the sounds, the nerves, and excitement. In fact, much like a woman re-plays her birth over and over in her mind, I find myself re-playing July 8, 2010 in my mind. It almost feels as if I am there waiting once again in the church entryway to meet my daughter for the first time. How in the world could it have already been five months?

I've been spending a lot of time in prayer lately about this blog. Where is the direction to go? What do I even write about? Is anyone still reading?

God has shown me that for now, I am to keep blogging, even if only my mom, husband, and sister read! :) I have a feeling that God is not finished. That more read this than I think. That more are impacted by the God given words than I'll ever know.

Over the last two years this blog has developed from just sharing our adoption journey with friends/family, to sharing information about adoption to those around the world. When Chris and I first talked about the day coming when we had already adopted and what we would do with this blog, we were certain we would turn it into a area to raise funds for families looking to adopt. That is still a dream, but one that we haven't seen God fulfill yet. However, that takes a lot of time, energy, and yes the money to do. Is it impossible? No way! I'm convinced that if God wants it to happen the right people will contact me at the exact right time.

For now though, I keep hearing God whisper to me to share about adoption. The realities, the road to it, tips, the birthparents. There are a few specific things that God has laid on my heart that I want to share in upcoming posts. However, I wanted to know if any of you have questions about adoption? If you do, feel free to leave a comment. If I get no comments, I'll just blog what God has laid on my heart and then wait for Him to direct when I am to write more!

In the meantime, look for some changes on this blog. Sometime ago, I won a blog makeover and was always saving it for this blog. I plan on using it to update this blog and make it so you can find the information you need to about adoption.

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