Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Cost of Adoption

"God decided in advance to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ...and it gave Him great pleasure...He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His son..." -Ephesians 1:5,7

Today God challenged me to pick up my Shaohannah's Hope devotional book that they gave us while we wait to hear from them. As I paged through, I came to a devotional in which the above verse was quoted. It struck me that our adoption by God cost us nothing, yet it did cost God something; it cost Him His Son. Yes adoption is costly, yet God was willing to undergo it, and undergo it with joy!

We want to do the same with our adoption. The adoption journey has not been easy. There have been many tears, sleepless nights, hours of toil, obstacles encountered-all are but a shadow of the price that God paid for us.

God certainly lead me to the right devotional to read today. You see, we have come to a decision. Chris and I realize that it is time to undergo everything, and undergo with joy. What does that mean? It means that we are going to be having our social worker submit our home study to agencies. Are we financially ready? No, not really. However, we know God is! He has the perfect adoption out there for us and knows exactly what we need. It is such a leap of faith, yet as we have discussed this past week, we have such a peace about it, and a deep joy. It is great knowing that we have done everything we can (submitting grant applications, saving money, etc.) and now God does the rest. Well, who am I kidding, he has done it all! :)

As our supporters both financially and prayerfully, we just want to thank you for your continued support and prayers. Please pray for us that God would guide us in His wisdom in making any decisions that come our way in the future regarding this adoption.

You can also be in prayer for me as I prepare for the birth of another child. I am two weeks out and feeling very good (Praise God). Just pray that God would give me the strength, both physically and emotionally, to get through whatever time I may still have left.

Blessings to you all...keep watching for updates on both the birth and the adoption.

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