Monday, June 22, 2009

Someone Is Missing

Many of you came here to check out our blog after receiving this in the mail today:

Yes, we are still adopting!!! We realize that many of you have been asking us, or many have been wondering, but too afraid to ask. So, we felt from God the need to send this letter out to let you know where we stand.

We may be crazy, but sometimes following God’s will is. As many of you know, we now have two daughters-Zoelle (2 years old) and Meridian (1 month). Many people thought that when we got pregnant with Meridian, we were no longer going to adopt. That is/was not the case. Instead, we used that time to fill out adoption grant applications (which trust us, it really did take that long). As of the printing of this letter, we have received two grants:

Match Fund- $1,000
Micah Fund- Unknown amount given at time of match.

We also wanted to let you know that we still have any and all finances that you have given us. These monies have been placed safely in the bank collecting a minimal amount of interest. Where we stand financially in the adoption is unknown as we will not know the amount needed until matched. However, we do know that God is telling us to “go for it” and to completely trust Him. What a relief to give it all to Him! We have more peace about that than when we were trying to do it on our own. As our supporters, be praying that when a situation does arise, God would guide us both in the decision and with the finances.

In the meantime, we knew we had to update you all. Keep praying, keep believing with us that God will provide. If any of you have the internet, feel free to check our adoption blog out: We try to do weekly updates. We literally cannot wait until we can announce to the world that we have adopted!!! Our family just isn’t complete yet-see, someone is definitely missing.

Glad you stopped by! As I sit here and type this tonight, I could use your prayers. You see, I'm scared! There I said it! I'm not scared of adding another one onto our family (although we would appreciate prayers that all transition well and that baby adjusts well, etc.). Instead, I am scared of receiving the finances for our adoption. I'm so worried that it isn't going to happen, that God won't provide. After all, it seems impossible. Yet, God tells us in His word that ALL things are possible with Him. ALL, not just some, but ALL things! Amazing isn't it? We know that this is from God and in His timing and so in the back of my mind I do know He will provide, but in the meantime I'm working on giving Him my fears.

Thanks for uplifting all of us in prayer. It has been quite a journey thus far and I'm happy to know that I can be real, raw, and honest and that you, in turn will support us in prayer.


Chris, Vanessa, Zoelle, & Meridian

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